If not properly maintained by professionals, Leaks can develop in any part of a gas supply system. Joints are particularly vulnerable. So it is crucial that you monitor all links in your supply system. The right gas equipment and manifolds can help you store gas correctly, regulate flow rate and pressure and prevent major accidents resulting from leaks. We offer a comprehensive range of safety-certified gas equipment such as manifolds, regulators and valves. We also offer advice to help you observe the correct safety practices.
All equipment in a gas supply system must be checked for leaks after assembly/installation. Any necessary adjustments must be made before the supply is turned on.
Always use leak detection liquid when testing equipment. Linde also offers professional gas detection devices under the tradename G-TECTATM. (Link: www.g-tecta.com)
Do not use soapy water or washing up liquid.
Our leak detection spray TL-4 is perfect for industrial systems. Make sure that the leak detection solution is compatible with the equipment materials. ALL joints should be tested.
Apply the leak detection liquid to joints and any potential leakage points, such as the connection point between the cylinder valve and the regulator
Never apply leak test liquids to a cylinder valve outlet
If any frothing occurs, depressurise the system immediately and correct the leak
Do not use the equipment until the leak has been rectified
Ensure the area is dry by wiping it with a clean, lint-free cloth after the check
Once the leak has been rectified, re-purge air from the system before use.
Regularly check for faults and leaks
Hoses with leaks, cuts, burns or localised surface damage should be replaced with new industry-approved fitted hoses.
Regularly examine the cutting or welding nozzle. If it is becoming clogged, clean or replace it.
Keep equipment clean. Oxygen regulators in particular must be kept in a clean area when not in use. If a pressure regulator is defective, replace it immediately.
Leaks around the cylinder valve spindle
If there is a leak around the spindle of the cylinder valve, you will hear a hissing sound and, in the case of fuel gases, smell the escaping gas. Do not use the cylinder and do not attempt to repair the leak. Move the cylinder to an area where the leak can disperse safely, label it and advise us. If your manometer is broken, you can purchase a new one as a spare part from Linde.
Never remove, change or tamper with the pressure gauges on a pressure regulator. If a gauge leaks, take the whole pressure regulator to Linde and ask for advice.