In the field of energy production we work with our customers to create added value at all key steps in the process chain. We build on our industry-leading know-how and technologies to develop practical, needs-based solutions.
There are three ways to capture carbon dioxide in large-scale energy production facilities:
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC). This method converts coal into a synthetic fuel gas. The carbon dioxide can be captured from this gas (before combustion). Once this is done, the refined synthetic fuel gas is almost pure hydrogen and can be used for example in gas turbines.
Oxyfuel combustion capture involves burning coal in a pure oxygen atmosphere. The resulting exhaust gas is free of nitrogen and thus has a high carbon dioxide concentration which can be captured.
Post combustion capture (PCC) is a method where carbon dioxide is captured by chemical processes from exhaust gases at coal-fired power plants. This is an attractive method as it can be integrated into conventional power plants.
We also work with other players in the field of biomass gasification in pure oxygen atmospheres. The biomass-to-liquids (BTL) process produces liquid biofuels. Synfuels are produced from gasified biomass using the Fischer Tropsch process.
We also actively focus on developing of sustainable technologies in the following areas:
Processing biogas into high-quality biofuels
The production and transport of liquefied natural gas (LNG)
Distributed energy production
Wind power technology
Emissions control; calibration gases for measuring equipment
High-quality shielding gases and equipment for welding in the construction and maintenance of power plants, including nuclear power plants
High-precision specialty gases required to ensure reliable operation of instruments.
We offer:
Nitrogen for purging, inerting and pressurising processes at nuclear plants
Partnership and engineering services including feasibility studies for large-scale production and distribution of industrial gases
Process consultation, gas facility planning, testing and commissioning services
Gas system maintenance and services
Specialty gases from our extensive product range
Gas networks and know-how in gas technology & systems